Ganoderma Mushroom Cultivation in Nagaland | Reishi mushroom farming | Biobritte mushroom cultivation

Ganoderma Mushroom Cultivation in Nagaland.

Lingzhi, Ganoderma lingzhi, also known as reishi, is a polypore fungus belonging to the genus Ganoderma. 

Its red-varnished, kidney-shaped cap and peripherally inserted stem give it a distinct fan-like appearance. 

When fresh, the lingzhi is soft, cork-like, and flat.

Reishi. (Ganoderma lucidum) is pharmacologically as well as commercially the most important medicinal mushroom in the world with current global trade.

Ganoderma mushroom cultivation in Nagaland

All types of medicinal mushroom and edible mushroom kits available.

You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.

For more info -

Contact on a phone or Whatsapp 9923806933 or 7709709816.

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