Reishi mushroom growing temperature | Reishi mushroom cultivation | Biobritte mushroom farming

Reishi mushroom growing temperature | Reishi mushroom cultivation | Biobritte mushroom farming

Reishi mushroom growing temperature.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) is pharmacologically as well as commercially the most important medicinal mushroom in the world with current global trade of about 2 billion dollers; trade-in India has crossed Rs. 100 crores annually through imports from Malaysia and China.

Reishi can be grown by the farmers seasonally in the low-cost growing rooms preferably playhouses and also in the environmentally- controlled cropping rooms by the industrialists. 

Reishi mushroom growing temperature

As the mushroom is intended to be used exclusively as medicine, it has to be grown organically; seasonal farmers have to put up poly cover on the side top and sides of the thatched huts and utmost hygienic conditions have to be maintained to prevent diseases and pests as no toxic chemical is to be used for controlling the same.

Reishi is grown on the sawdust of the broad-leaved trees (mango, poplar, coconut, Sheesham). 

Sawdust, obtained from the sawmills, is amended with 20% wheat bran and is wetted to a level of 65% moisture. 

Calcium sulphate (gypsum) and calcium carbonate (Chalk powder) are added to get a pH of 5.5. 

The mixed substrate (700 g dry wt; 2.1 kg wet) is filled in polypropylene bags the mouth of which is then plugged with cotton after putting a plastic ring exactly like wheat grain spawn pack of mushrooms in polybags.

The bags are then sterilized in an autoclave at 22 p.s.i. for 2 hrs. 

After cooling, the substrate is spawned with wheat grain or sawdust spawn @ 3% on a dry weight basis, as it is comparatively a slow-growing fungus. 

Spawn-run (incubation) is done at 28-C in the closed rooms (high carbon dioxide) and darkness. 

After the complete spawn run (bags white all over), which takes about 25 days, the polythene top is cut at the level of the substrate totally exposing the top side and proper conditions for fruiting or pinning (temp. 28oC, 1500 ppm CO2800 lux light, 95% RH) are provided.

The Biobritte mushroom center has reishi mushroom cultivation and cultivation training.

Top mushroom company.

Mushroom consultants in India.

You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.

For more info -

Contact on a phone or WhatsApp 9923806933 or 7709709816.

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