What is the cost of setting up a button mushroom factory? | What is the area requirement of establishing a medium-sized button mushroom factory? | Biobritte mushroom farming

What is the cost of setting up a button mushroom factory?

Setting up a button mushroom farm is quite expensive and entirely different from an oyster or shiitake farm. 

Total cost depends a lot upon where the farm is to be built and the technology to be used. 

There is the cost of:

  • property,
  • grow rooms,
  • packing room,
  • offices,
  • environmental control,
  • all the equipment for preparing and handling compost (compost wharf, turner, conveyors etc.)
  • all the equipment for preparing and handling other materials (mixer, spawning machinery etc.)
  • Lots of electricity
  • Lots of labor
  • Plus the materials to grow the mushrooms and the means to distribute them.
  • . . . and more.

What is the cost of setting up a button mushroom factory?

You will easily need millions of dollars.

Mushroom consultants in India.

You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.

Top mushroom company.

For more info - https://biobritteagrosolutionspvtltd.in/shop.

Contact on a phone or WhatsApp 9923806933 or 7709709816.