Black oyster mushroom supplier in Imphal | Mushroom supplier | Biobritte mushroom company

Black oyster mushroom supplier in Imphal | Mushroom supplier | Biobritte mushroom company

Black oyster mushroom supplier in Imphal.

Pleurotus is a genus of gilled mushrooms which includes one of the most widely eaten mushrooms, P. ostreatus. 

Species of Pleurotus may be called oyster, abalone, or tree mushrooms, and are some of the most commonly cultivated edible mushrooms in the world.

The Biobritte mushroom company is buying & selling Black oyster mushrooms, mushroom powder, mushroom extracts, & mushroom capsules.

Black oyster mushroom supplier in Imphal

Pleurotus ostreatus, the oyster mushroom, oyster fungus, or hiratake, is a common edible mushroom. 

It was first cultivated in Germany as a subsistence measure during World War I and is now grown commercially around the world for food. 

The Biobritte is certified by the following companies:- 

  • ISO 9001:2015    
  • ISO FSMS 22000:2008  
  • GMP  
  • HACCP  

It is related to the similarly cultivated king oyster mushroom. Oyster mushrooms can also be used industrially for mycoremediation purposes.

The oyster mushroom is one of the more commonly sought wild mushrooms, though it can also be cultivated on straw and other media. 

It has the bittersweet aroma of benzaldehyde (which is also characteristic of bitter almonds).

Mushroom consultants in India.

You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.

Top mushroom company.

For more info -

Contact on a phone or WhatsApp 9923806933 or 7709709816.

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