Mushroom composition | Mushroom supplements | Biobritte mushrooms

Mushroom composition.

The basic composition (moisture, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, crude fat, ash, nitrogen, and protein) and amino acid contents were determined in the cultivated mushrooms. 

In addition, nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors were calculated for each species by dividing the sums of amino acid residues with total (Kjeldahl) nitrogen contents. 

Mushroom composition.

The dry matter contents of mushrooms varied from 7.7% to 8.4%. 

The dry matter of mushrooms contained large amounts of carbohydrates, from 4.5 to 5.8 g/100 g fresh weight. 

Mushrooms proved to be an especially good source of dietary fiber (3.3 g/100 g fresh weight); the other mushrooms contained 1.5−2.4 g/100 g fresh weight. 

Crude fat, ash, and protein (based on amino acid analysis) contents of the mushrooms varied 0.31−0.35, 0.49−0.78, and 1.8−2.09 g/100 g fresh weight, respectively. 

Mushrooms proved to be good sources of almost all essential amino acids when compared with common vegetables. 

The mean nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor analyzed in the present study was 4.7 ± 0.21. 

When using this factor, a very good estimation of protein contents could be obtained for the main species of mushrooms cultivated in many countries.

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