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Showing posts with the label #mushroomcontractfarming

Mushroom Seed Retailers Mumbai | Mushroom spawn supplier in Maharashtra

Oyster mushroom spawn available Mushrooms Available in dry and powdered form. For pricing contact us for more details Know more about Mushrooms. Mushroom training available. Mushroom spawn available. Start your commercial mushroom farm with our guidance. For more information contact 9923806933, 9673510343 #mushrooms, #mushroomsupplierkolhapur, #mushroompowder #drymushrooms, #mushroomtraining, #mushroomcompany , #mushroomcontractfarming, #mushroomfarmnearme, #buttonmushrooms, #mushrooms, #bruneimushrooms, #bruneimushroomconsulting,   x

health benefits of ganoderma lucidum | reishi ganoderma benefits | Buy spawn from Biobritte

Ganoderma is a genus of polypore fungi in the family Ganodermataceae that includes about 80 species, many from tropical regions. They have a high genetic diversity and is used in traditional Asian medicines. Ganoderma can be differentiated from other polypores because they have a double-walled basidiospore. They may be called shelf mushrooms or bracket fungi. Cancer Prevention It has been demonstrated that Ganoderma lucidum boosts immunity and fights the proliferation of cancer cells. Some laboratory studies have also shown Ganoderma lucidum may prevent cancer metastasis. The mechanisms by which the mushroom does this are as yet unknown and it seems they may target many different stages of cancer development.  Immune System Support Ganoderma lucidum may be useful in boosting the immune system. In studies on patients with advanced tumors, Ganoderma lucidum was prescribed for thirty days and the results found a significant positive effect on the immune system with an increase in T lympho