Chaga Mushroom Company in West Bengal | Chaga mushrooms online | Biobritte mushroom supplier Chaga Mushroom Company in West Bengal. Its scientifically validated health benefits derive from many bioavailable properties, including beta-d glucans, betulinic acid, polyphenols, triterpenes, and polysaccharides to name a few. What Does Chaga Help With? Chaga contains high traces of free-radical eliminating anti-oxidants (scoring higher in OCAR than any other natural substance), immune-supporting properties (due to its anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulating abilities), hypoglycemic effects (which regulate and lower blood sugar), neurostimulation effects (nootropic properties), and its function as an antiviral and antibacterial. Many believe it may thwart the proliferation of cancer cells, and others with auto-immune disorders who believe in homeopathic medicine use it for immune fortification. Mushroom growing kits available online. You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biob