Health Benefits Of Mushrooms | Mushroom And Health Benefits | Biological And Economic Impact Of Mushrooms
Health Benefits Of Mushrooms | Mushroom And Health Benefits | Biological And Economic Impact Of Mushrooms Spawn production and mushroom cultivation technology Mushrooms as Food and Health Benefits Mushrooms have a long association with humankind and provide profound biological and economic impact. Once considered as food for the royals in Rome and wonder ingredient of folk medicine in East Asian countries. Mushrooms are by now an accepted ideal food item, suitable for all age groups and occupy a place between meat and vegetables, from nutrition point of view. Mushrooms not only taste delicious, but they are also a nutritional powerhouse, packed with a long list of nutrients. Rich in protein, mushrooms supplement the carbohydrate rich, protein deficit primarily cereal based Indian diet. All types of edible mushrooms contain varying degree of protein, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. These can have various health benefits. Factors like species of the mushroom, its develo