Steps In Mushroom Production | Mushroom Cultivation Steps | Steps In Mushroom Cultivation Steps In Mushroom Production These are the steps in mushroom production— a cycle that takes about 15 weeks (time varies by species) from start to finish. Choosing a growing medium. Pasteurizing or sterilizing the medium. Seeding the beds with spawn (material from mature mushrooms grown on sterile media). Maintaining optimal temperature, moisture, and other conditions for mycelium growth and the conditions that favor fruiting (This is the most challenging step.) Harvesting, packaging, and selling the mushrooms Steps In Mushroom Production Mushroom Consultants In India. Top Mushroom Company. Biobritte Agro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Office Address: Contact us for registrations: 9923806933/9673510343 For more information Join our Whatsapp/Telegram Group Tags - steps in mushroom cultivation pdf, spawning in mushroom cultivation, mushroom cultivation steps ppt, mate