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Why mushrooms would be always winning the race of immunity booster applications?

Human immune system is one of the important regulatory and defensive systems of human body against different types of pathogens, diseases or simply antigen. In the era of corona virus pandemic, people started to understand the nutritional importance of food and this is stimulating the market of immune booster products. Immune booster products are simply the products which going to help us for diseases or infections such as COVID-19. Mushrooms are only one super food of the planet that can save us against thousands of infections or diseases don’t matter if they are bacterial, viral, fungal or anything. Mushrooms can deal with lot of diseases the list can be much longer if you go through previous research publications or experts. I believe on mushrooms because they can be utilized in million ways in our human life. There are thousands of species of mushrooms in the nature and still thousands human have to search for. 1. Oyster Mushrooms Oyster mushrooms are easy to grow and can be grown