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Showing posts with the label mycotecture

Mushroom Biofabrication: Revolutionary Uses of Fungi in Material Science

Mushroom Biofabrication: Revolutionary Uses of Fungi in Material Science Mushroom biofabrication, also known as mycotecture or fungal biotechnology, represents a revolutionary approach to material science by harnessing the unique properties of fungi for various applications. Here's an overview of the innovative uses of fungi in material science: 1. Mycelium-based Materials : Mycelium, the vegetative part of fungi, can be grown into durable and versatile materials. By cultivating mycelium on agricultural waste or other organic substrates in controlled environments, it forms a dense network of fibers that can be molded into shapes or used as a binding agent for other materials. Mycelium-based materials are lightweight, biodegradable, and have been explored for applications such as packaging, insulation, building materials, and even fashion. 2. Biodegradable Packaging : Traditional packaging materials like Styrofoam and plastic are harmful to the environment due to their non-biodegrad