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Reishi or Ganoderma Mushroom Cultivation | Mushroom Webinar | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur

Attend mushroom webinar on Reishi or Ganoderma Mushroom Cultivation. The #reishi mushroom, also known as #Ganoderma lucidum and #lingzhi, is a #fungus that grows in various hot and humid locations in Asia. While the #mushrooms themselves can be eaten fresh, it is also common to use powdered forms of the mushroom or extracts that contain these specific molecules. For many years, this fungus has been a staple in Eastern #medicine. Within the #mushroom, there are several molecules, including triterpenoids, polysaccharides and peptidoglycans, that may be responsible for its health effects. Points: Introduction to Ganoderma Mushrooms, Cultivation Method and procedure, Grow House Set up, Mushroom Marketing, Mushroom products, and related. Registration Link: Admission: 5 persons Fees: 550 Rs/Person Certificates and booklets will be provided. Langauges available : English and Marathi Benefits: Understand how to gro