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Showing posts with the label usage of mushroom in african continet

Archaeological Evidence Of Mushroom Usage In African Continent | Historical Evidence Of Mushroom | History Of Mushrooms

Archaeological Evidence Of Mushroom Usage In African Continent | Historical Evidence Of Mushroom | History Of Mushrooms Archaeological Evidence Of Mushroom Usage In African Continent  Mushrooms spread in wide area in Africa and Middle East. The most common types of mushrooms belong to Agaricus and Pleurotus sp. The oldest archaeological evidence of apparent mushroom use in the African continent can be seen in the Tassili images discovered in rock cave paintings in Algeria, dated at least 5000 B.C. The dancer is about 80 cm in height with the mask and stance typical of that historical period of rock paintings.  The dancer is probably a shaman and the repetitive mushroom symbols hallucinogenic mushrooms. Archaeological Evidence Of Mushroom Usage In Europe, an effigy of a mushroom, not unlike Amanita, inserted in a scene with shamanistic connotations, has been found in a rock engraving of Mount Bego, France, dating back to 1800 B.C. Further important archaeoethnomycological documentation