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Showing posts with the label Edibility Of Agaricus Bisporus

Edibility Of Button Mushroom | Button Mushrooms Are Edible Or Not? | Edibility Of Agaricus Bisporus

Edibility Of Button Mushroom | Button Mushrooms Are Edible Or Not? | Edibility Of Agaricus Bisporus  Edibility Of Button Mushroom  Button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus): Button mushroom is a temperate crop and the most popular variety for domestic and export market.  Large scale production of this mushroom over large areas is impeded by non availability of quality raw materials particularly, wheat/paddy straw, chicken manure and sometimes gypsum resulting in poor quality of compost and poor yield.  However, organized production and marketing of this mushroom has some benefits – seasonal production is possible in large scale in majority of the northern and north eastern states of the country where winter temperature remains below 20oC.  Spawn production and mushroom cultivation technology production cost is low when the cheap and easily available raw materials for compost and casing is used good domestic and export markets exists as  at global level, it ranks first increasing market for p