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Showing posts with the label mushroom facts

Mushroom Conservation: Protecting Endangered Species and Habitats

Mushroom Conservation: Mushroom conservation is essential for protecting endangered species and habitats, as fungi play crucial ecological roles and contribute to the health and stability of ecosystems. While mushrooms may not receive as much attention as charismatic megafauna or iconic plants, they are integral components of biodiversity and warrant conservation efforts.  Here are some strategies for mushroom conservation: Habitat Protection: Protecting natural habitats is critical for conserving mushroom biodiversity. Many mushrooms are intimately linked to specific ecosystems, such as old-growth forests, wetlands, and grasslands. By preserving these habitats from deforestation, urbanization, and habitat destruction, we can safeguard the diverse array of fungi that inhabit them. Fungi-Friendly Land Management : Implementing land management practices that promote fungal diversity is essential for conservation. This includes maintaining forest diversity, minimizing habitat fragmentati

Mushroom Facts | Mushrooms | Biobritte mushrooms

Mushroom Facts •Nearly 50% of the carbon base in the wheat straw is liberated as gaseous CO2 in the course of decomposition by mushrooms. •There is 1 mile of mycelium in 1 sq. inch of substrate. •A single mushroom can produce 100,000,000 spores. •Mushroom basidia shoot spores with force equal to 10,000 times more than a space shuttle taking off. •Chinese mushrooms have the greatest aluminum, lead and mercury concentrations, followed by mushrooms from California. Mushrooms from near Chernobyl are still radioactive. •Average conversion is getting 1 lb of fresh mushrooms from 1 lb of the dry substrate, 100% biological efficiency. •Mushrooms can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight for 2 days. Dry them gills-up. The vitamin D levels in these mushrooms soared from 100 IU/100 grams to nearly 46,000 IU/100 grams Vitamin D levels in mushrooms remain high for at least a year, assuring immune-busting and cancer-fighting supplements during winter. •in 1950 one of the first antibiotics isola

Mushroom Facts | Mushrooms | Biobritte mushrooms

Mushroom Facts •Nearly 50% of the carbon base in the wheat straw is liberated as gaseous CO2 in the course of decomposition by mushrooms. •There is 1 mile of mycelium in 1 sq. inch of substrate. •A single mushroom can produce 100,000,000 spores. •Mushroom basidia shoot spores with force equal to 10,000 times more than a space shuttle taking off. •Chinese mushrooms have the greatest aluminum, lead and mercury concentrations, followed by mushrooms from California. Mushrooms from near Chernobyl are still radioactive. •Average conversion is getting 1 lb of fresh mushrooms from 1 lb of the dry substrate, 100% biological efficiency. •Mushrooms can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight for 2 days. Dry them gills-up. The vitamin D levels in these mushrooms soared from 100 IU/100 grams to nearly 46,000 IU/100 grams Vitamin D levels in mushrooms remain high for at least a year, assuring immune-busting and cancer-fighting supplements during winter. •in 1950 one of the first antibiotics isola

Mushroom Business in Maharashtra

Mushroom is the fleshy edible fungus which can be grown artifically. There are more than thousands of mushroom species but not all mushroom species are edible.  Photo: Oyster Mushrooms 1. Oyster mushrooms are very common and famous mushrooms in the category of edible mushrooms. They comes in different colour and morphology. It can be grown all times. 2. Button mushrooms are commonly recognized and came before oyster mushrooms. However, growing button mushrooms is tedious as compared to oyster mushrooms. Need huge investments. 3. Milky mushrooms are grown in summer as it needs very high temperatures. 4. Other types include medicinal mushrooms which needs complete  technical knowlege to grow. Mushroom Learning Center, Kolhapur is promoting and teaching hundreds of people in the region of maharashtra state of India. We are promoting its use as food. For more information on mushroo growing-  Contact-  Please contact us on Phone 9923806933, 9673510343, 98904251