Morels are one tough mushroom to grow commercially! Two cultivation processes have been patented. The first process is based upon work and the second climatic control.
Growing morel mushrooms is one of the most sought after processes in mushroom cultivation right now. People are starting to do it!
Each morel mushroom contains hundreds of thousands of microscopic spores capable of growing a new mushroom.
Growing morel mushrooms takes time and patience, different methods including using grow kits with spawn, spore slurries, and a quick look at indoor cultivation.
Morel mushroom · Usually found in open scrub, woodland, or open ground in late spring · When collecting this fungus, care must be taken
Unlike other mushrooms, morels are incredibly difficult to grow. That's part of the reason why they're so expensive but not impossible.
Biobritte has the service of mushroom contract farming.
You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.
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