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What is the major problems in mushroom cultivation?

Problems and solutions in the cultivation of the mushroom including:

a) Mycelium fails to form

Improper initiation strategy. 

Solutions: consult parameter of growth. Alter moisture, temperature, light, carbon dioxide, etc. 

Note: If the substrate is too moist, decrease moisture

b) Chlorinated or contaminated water. 

Solutions:  Use activated charcoal water filters to eliminate chemical contaminants or any other ways of simple or appropriate technology.

c) Bad substrate. 

Solutions: Check substrate. Spread the substrate and remix the substrate, package again, make sure all raw materials are good and fresh.  

Note: It is necessary to pasteurize immediately after bagging otherwise fermentation gas will slow down the rate of growth of mycelium or stop mycelium growth.

d) Bad pasteurization. 

Solutions: Check method of pasteurization. Release all air and make sure there is continuous steam before starting pasteurization for a period of 3h.

e) The substrate in the bag is too hot when inoculated. 

Solution: Make sure that the substrate bag is not too hot before inoculation

f) Bad strain or spawn. 

Solution: Obtain a younger strain of known vitality and history

e) Spawn contaminated. 

Solution:  Pasteurize and inoculate again with good spawn  

f) Forgot to inoculate the bag. 

Solution: Make sure to inoculate

2).  Poor spread of mycelium, bad smell, spots, and mites

Good pasteurization but must decrease the temperature in the pasteurization chamber. 

Solutions: Slowly decrease the temperature in the chamber. Do not open the cover of the chamber too quickly. Check that the cotton plug is tightly closed.

Pasteurization was too quick and/or the chamber door was opened too quickly.
Solutions: Inoculation process Inoculate in hygiene conditions; clean and with no air movement.

Too high density in the incubation area, not enough ventilation to decrease accumulated temperature. 

Solutions:  Spread the substrate bag and make more air ventilation in the incubation area. Check temperature and control surroundings to maintain 25 to 35°C

Too high carbon-dioxide. 

Solutions:  Not more than 5% carbon dioxide. Check ventilation.

Hygiene of the incubation house. 

Solution:  Improve hygiene in the incubation house.Mycelium develops in patches. 

The substrate is not evenly prepared, and some part shaves more nutrients than others. 

Solution:  Mix well the substrate.

Bacteria, other fungi contamination. 

Solutions:  Check the process causing contamination. Separate contaminated bags as soon as possible. Remix substrate separately. Remake substrate bags and pasteurize for a longer time. Follow process.

Mite contamination. 

Solutions:  Immediately separate contaminated bags and pasteurize again. Continue the normal process. 

Note: Keep hygiene management; make sure to clean everything (person, area, tools, equipment, and surroundings during every step. Stop using the area to cut the life cycle of all contaminants for a period of at l   least 1 to 2 weeks. For serious contamination cases, spray the area with chemicals. Use black-light with water or sticky-trap to decrease insects.

3). Mycelium grows but fails to produce mushrooms

Substrate formula is not suitable. 

Solutions:  Adjust the formula; check pH, sawdust, additives, etc…

Mites, mold, viruses, bacteria, and insects. 

Solution:  Check pasteurization process, inoculation, other processes, and mushroom house management for hygiene.

Inhibited by environmental toxins. 

Solution: Remove the source of toxins

Bad strain or Shawn. 

Solution:  Acquire news trains

  • Mushrooms form, but abort or delay mushrooming

Primordia and growth condition of fruiting body are not good enough. 

Solutions: Check temperature and humidity. Open or close doors and windows to adjust accordingly.

There is contamination such as mold, bacteria, insects, worms, and mites. 

Solutions: Check hygiene, adjust the environment of light, temperature, humidity, and ventilation. In more severe cases, use half a teaspoon of sulfur in 3.5l of water. Mist the bags and the surface of mushrooms. Remove contaminated bags from the mushroom house and recycle them.

Chemical contamination from solvents, gas, chlorine, etc…

Solution: Remove toxins.

Bad strain. 

Solution:  Acquire a new strain or find a new supplier

4).  Mushrooms form, but stems are long; caps underdeveloped

Inadequate light. 

Solutions:  Increase or adjust the light to the correct wavelength

Excessive carbon-dioxide. 

Solutions:  Increase air exchange, open doors or windows, and close at the correct time

5). Massive numbers of mushrooms form; few develop

Too long time incubation. 

Solutions: Shorten the period for the formation of primordia.

Lack of oxygen, inadequate light. 

Solutions:  Increase air ventilation and open more windows or doors to receive more light.

Inadequate substrate nutrition or low quality. 

Solutions:  Reformulate or check raw materials.

Low rate mycelium growth. 

Solutions:  Use the high rates pawn or adjust good conditions for the rate of growth.

Poor strain. 

Solution: Obtain better strain.

6). Mushrooms are deformed, decay, and die.

Disturbed by germs or competing microorganisms. 

Solutions:  Adjust mushroom house to favor mushrooms and not germs and competitors.

The dirty surface of substrate bags. 

Solution:  Clean the surface of the substrate.

Not enough air ventilation, too high humidity. 

Solutions:  Increase air circulation. Reduce humidity to the prescribed levels. Surface water must evaporate from mushrooms several times per day. Check watering if there is water in bags, pierce bags and drain water.

Bad strain.

Solution:  Acquire better strain.

Use of chemicals during this period. 

Solution:  Never use chemicals during the fruiting stage

7). Mushrooms produced only in the first flush, fail to produce subsequent flushes

Inadequate substrate nutrition. 

Solution: Substrate: Reformulate.


Solutions: Check hygiene; adjust light, temperature, humidity, air, and ventilation.

Poor growing house management. 

Solution: Improve management.

Bad strain. 

Solution:  Acquire new strain

8). Mushrooms small sized

Too many mushrooms coming out at the same time. 

Solutions: Reduce the size of the opening(s)

Lack of nutrients in the substrate. 

Solution: Review the quality of the substrate.

Change of weather. 

Solution: Beware of wide range changes in temperature.

Spawn unhealthy. 

Solution:  Check origin of spawn.

9). Pests and insects

Natural occurrence, humid climate. 

Solutions:  Place lemongrass plants around the mushroom house. Spread lime on shelves, on poles, and ground in the mushroom house. Clean (and maintain clean) the mushroom house properly.

Mushroom waste lying around the mushroom house. 

Solution: Try to use the waste as fertilizer or recycle


Solution: Mix detergent with water and place it on their paths. Do not put on mushroom

10.Mushrooms are light in weight.

Shortage of water. 

Solutions: Check humidity of mushroom

11). Mushroom quickly spoils

Mushrooms too mature when harvested. 

Solution:  Harvest when younger.

Mushrooms too warm before packaging. 

Solution: Chill mushrooms before placing them in marketing containers.

Mushrooms too wet when harvested. 

Solutions:  Reduce humidity several hours before harvesting.

Mushrooms stored beyond shelflife. 

Solutions: Sell mushrooms faster.

12). Rotting spot on the mushroom fruiting body because of bacteria during flush

Bacteria (Pseudomonas tolaasii, Pseudomonas fluorescens) on Oyster mushroom.

Solutions:  Control humidity in the mushroom house and maintain 80–85%. Give enough time for water to evaporate from mushroom surfaces before further watering. For severe cases, use 113g chlorine mixed in 45l of water or 4oz of chlorine per gallon of water.

For more details contact now!

Contact :- 9923806933 / 7709709816

Tags:-  common problems of mushroom cultivation,challenges facing mushroom farming,mushroom cultivation topics,questions on mushroom cultivation,mcq in mushroom cultivation,questionnaire on mushroom cultivation,oyster mushroom growing problems,chemicals used for mushroom cultivation,common problems of mushroom cultivation,challenges facing mushroom farming,mushroom cultivation topics,questions on mushroom cultivation,mcq in mushroom cultivation,questionnaire on mushroom cultivationHow do you increase mushroom production?,What are the benefits of mushroom farming?,Why mushroom cultivation is important?,Is mushroom cultivation profitable?


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