Health Benefits Of Mushrooms: Mushrooms For Diabetics

Health Benefits Of Mushrooms: Mushrooms For Diabetics

Here's why diabetics should add mushrooms to their daily diet:

  • Health conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are linked with increased inflammation in the body. Mushrooms have anti-inflammatory properties that help regulate such conditions.
  • Mushrooms make a great snack for diabetics as they have low glycaemic index as they contain very low amount of carbs, which means they do not raise blood sugar levels as significantly as high-carb foods like breads and pasta.

  • Fresh mushrooms are great for weight management, which is also a key factor to keeping blood sugar levels in check. It is a low-calorie food having high water content and fibre that keeps you fuller for longer.
  • Fresh mushrooms have both soluble and insoluble fibre, of which soluble fibre is shown to keep blood sugar levels in check.
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