How mushroom farming can be converted into mushroom business?

How mushroom farming can be converted into mushroom business?

Mushroom farming is still less explored business in Asian and African countries. To convert mushroom farming into mushroom business you need a proper plan and execution. Most of the people start mushroom farming as hobby and later converted into a business model. There are different aspects how you can make a business model from mushroom farming or cultivation.

Firstly, you need to have basic information about mushrooms. How you can do that? You can search lot material on websites and YouTube to learn about basics of mushroom farming. You can initially start from oyster mushrooms. Choosing oyster mushrooms as your first crop can be best idea to do as oyster mushroom is always easier to grow as compared to any other mushroom on the planet. Learning to grow mushrooms is awesome feeling. Once you learn how to grow simply you have product in your hand.

Secondly, remember and analyze what type of product oyster mushrooms can be and start marketing. Mushroom marketing is always a hard job remember. Because, you need to give lot information to your customers. Remember technology can make your marketing easier. Internet marketing can be best option for it. You have to simply share lot information about mushrooms. Simply, why to eat, how to eat. You have to answer simple questions to customers. Remember your customer might not always not as your calculation. Sometimes they know about mushrooms or not. Better prepare for that and share information. QR code is best idea when it comes for information sharing.

Thirdly, branding and meeting demands. Make sure you always sell on unique name. Selling mushrooms without label is really fruitless. Branding your product and getting necessary legal approvals will change the game. You can do this way. Once you go through this phase, you simply grow different type of mushrooms and work in same manner.

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