Mushroom learning Center Kolhapur scheduled webinar on "Button Mushroom Farming: Scope and opportunities".
This mushroom webinar will give you insights of Button mushroom farming, opportunities and scope in it.
Fully technical detailed mushroom webinar
Who can attend: Farmers, students, housewives and interested people.
Date: 15 may 2021, Saturday
Time: 11 am-1 pm
Language of instruction: English
This mushroom webinar will cover following points:
-About our activities shortly
-What are mushrooms?
-What is button mushroom?
-Investment needed
-How to set up mushroom farm?
-Button Mushroom Cultivation-All details
-Pests and diseases of mushrooms
-How to sell mushrooms?
-Value added mushroom products
-Other information
-Questions and Answers
Fees: 500 Rs/person
Certificates and Booklets will be provided.
Googlepay: 9130277943
Phonepay: 9850985511
After Payment you will receive email from us.
For registration or any other help contact us at 9923806933, 9673510343
#mushroomwebinar, #mushroominformationenglish, #mushroomtraining-