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Can we eat Chaga Mushrooms? | Mushroom cultivation | Biobritte mushrooms

Can we eat Chaga Mushrooms?

Chaga is impressive in appearance and effect. It is a mysterious denizen of this earth and one of the strangest creatures of the forest. Its burnt-charcoal, lightning-struck appearance is unmistakable.

A resident of temperate forests in the northern hemisphere, Chaga prefers growing in living birch trees near springs, riparian areas of streams, wetlands, and marshy regions.

Can we eat Chaga Mushrooms?

Chaga seems to favor yellow birch and white birch above all host trees. Chaga loves the cold. As long as birch can grow, then the colder the weather, the better.

Chaga was most notably introduced to the West by Russian writer Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s somewhat autobiographical novel The Cancer Ward.

As Solzhenitsyn describes in his novel, the ideal of Chaga gives you the single-pointed focus to heal yourself, to wonder the forest like a wounded animal after one goal: to get well.

To date, no side effects or toxicity of Chaga have been reported.

Luckily for all of us, Chaga has already been classified by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as ‘food’.

It is legal for distribution in the European Union, and it is classified as a medicinal mushroom by the World Trade Organization.

Chaga is impressive in appearance and effect. It is a mysterious denizen of this earth and one of the strangest creatures of the forest. Its burnt-charcoal, lightning-struck appearance is unmistakable.

A resident of temperate forests in the northern hemisphere, Chaga prefers growing in living birch trees near springs, riparian areas of streams, wetlands, and marshy regions.

Chaga seems to favor yellow birch and white birch above all host trees. Chaga loves the cold. As long as birch can grow, then the colder the weather, the better.

Chaga was most notably introduced to the West by Russian writer Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s somewhat autobiographical novel The Cancer Ward.

As Solzhenitsyn describes in his novel, the ideal of Chaga gives you the single-pointed focus to heal yourself, to wonder the forest like a wounded animal after one goal: to get well.

Having worked in the alternative health field for twenty years, I find this to be profound’


You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.

For more info -

Contact on a phone or Whatsapp 9923806933 or 7709709816.

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