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Profit of mushroom farming in India | Mushroom farming | Biobritte mushroom farming

Profit of mushroom farming in India | Mushroom farming | Biobritte mushroom farming

Profit of mushroom farming in India.

Worried about doing profitable business with limited investment or do not want to take up job from rising job insecurity, due to lockdown problems. 

Here is a feasible solution for rural and even urban people. 

With an investment of less than Rs 10000 per month, you can earn at least Rs 25000 every month, through the Oyster farming business. 

Let us see how. Mushroom is the simplest to grow & most delicious to eat. 

This can be grown where the climatic conditions are not suitable for cultivating button mushrooms. 

Profit of mushroom farming in India

Mushroom consumption has its own merits. Firstly it has a lower fat content hence suggested for controlling obesity usually. 

Secondly, this variety is also beneficial in controlling diabetes as well as blood pressure.

The first step in mushroom cultivation is to get or find a room, also known as a mushroom house where mushroom spawns are stacked and finally grown. 

Mushroom spawn is simply any substance that has been inoculated with mycelium, the vegetative growth of a fungus. 

The spawn is used to transfer mycelium onto any material from which mushrooms will grow, called a substrate. 

If the vacant room is already available then make sure it has limited or very less outlets/vents. 

If outlets are many then try to cover the vents or holes with the straw or polythene bags etc. 

This is necessary for making the room cooler and maintaining the temperature below 30 degrees, to ensure proper growth of the mushrooms. 

If the room is not available then one can get a room on rent for converting into a mushroom house. 

A single room with moderate measurements (10 feet by 12 feet roughly) can cost Rs 3000 in a small town and even lesser in a village.    

The next step is to make the floor and walls of the room free from micro-organisms so that the growth process of the mushrooms do not get disturbed. 

Spray formalin and bevistin in the floor and walls. 

Then use these chemicals in the compost also, for a similar reason. 

Spawns can be purchased either from Agricultural universities or online suppliers.

Now after the production of mushrooms, the final step is to sell the produce in the market.

A Buyback agreement is an agreement done of stamp paper (recommended), by private institutes, where a mushroom grower and institution sign an agreement where the institution promises to buy a total quantity of mushroom from the supplier or grower, with a promise of getting the entire quantity sold, after the sale, return the profit to the grower after deducted the previously decided profit margin by the institution. 

Generally buy back agreement is done by those institutions, where the grower undergoes training of mushroom cultivation, or purchases spawns, etc. 

Therefore it is practically advisable that one should go for buy-back agreements from such institutions only. 

Beginners may find it a challenge in growing without training since a minor mistake in the overall process can negatively impact mushroom growth hence undergoing training from the relevant institutions is highly recommended.

Self-marketing involves the entire process of taking out mushrooms from the cultivation point to taking them to market place and complete the sale process. 

Always remember that you need to create a market for yourself first. 

This act will not only enhance trust and goodwill in the mind of the retailer but increase the interest to accept the packets willingly since he does not have to pay any amount initially.

It normally takes 45 days for spawns to develop into fully grown mushrooms. 

On average, the spawn is stacked racks for at least 18-20 days in the mushroom house for the growth process. 

Therefore each production cycle for mushrooms is nearly two months. 

So the cash inflows and outflows should be divided by two in order to derive the monthly cost and monthly profit. 

Mushroom consultants in India.

You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.

Top mushroom company.

For more info -

Contact on a phone or WhatsApp 9923806933 or 7709709816.

Tags - Mushroom farming, mushroom cultivation training, mushroom supplier, mushroom seeds, mushroom spawn company, Biobritte store, Biobritte cart, Biobritte fungi school, Mushroom training, Biobritte mushroom training online, mushroom franchise, mushroom contract farming, mushroom buyback, mushroom repurchase, mushroom spawn supply, mushroom cultivation, organic mushrooms, edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms, Is mushroom farming a profitable business in India?, How much do mushroom farmers make in India?, Which mushroom is profitable in India?, How much investment is needed for mushroom farming in India?, mushroom cultivation profit per acre, how to sell mushroom in India, mushroom profit calculation, mushroom farming project cost, mushroom farm business plan, is mushroom farming profitable in India? - quora, cost of starting a mushroom farm in India, the investment required for mushroom farming,


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