Reishi Mushroom Cancer Dosage | Reishi Mushroom: The Cancer Healer Medicine | Reishi Mushroom Exporter

Reishi Mushroom Cancer Dosage | Reishi Mushroom: The Cancer Healer Medicine | Reishi Mushroom Exporter

Reishi Mushroom: The Cancer Healer Medicine

  • Reishi mushroom has antioxidant properties and may enhance immune response.
  • Reishi mushroom contains complex sugars known as beta-glucans. 
  • Lab studies suggest that these compounds may help stop the growth and spread of cancer cells. When animals were fed beta-glucans, some cells of their immune system became more active.

  • Limited data from clinical studies suggest reishi can strengthen the immune responses in humans. 
  • In addition, reishi mushrooms contain sterols that can act as precursors to hormones in the body, along with substances called triterpenes that may have blood pressure-lowering and anti-allergy effects. 
  • Reishi mushrooms have also been shown to slow blood clotting.
  • Reishi mushroom can cause toxicity in some immune cells. There are also a few documented cases of liver toxicity. 
  • More studies are needed to show that reishi is safe and effective for use with cancer treatment.

Reishi Mushroom Cancer Healer

Purported Uses

  • To treat fatigue

  • To lower high cholesterol

In one small study, a reishi mushroom product increased HDL-cholesterol level in patients with borderline elevations of cholesterol.

  • To treat HIV and AIDS

Laboratory studies suggest that reishi mushroom may stimulate certain cells of the immune system, but the evidence is lacking on reishi’s ability to fight infections.

  • To lower high blood pressure

Laboratory studies suggest that reishi mushroom may lower blood pressure. Human studies are lacking.

  • To stimulate the immune system

Laboratory studies suggest that the reishi mushroom may stimulate some cells of the immune system. A small clinical trial showed that reishi can enhance the immune response in advanced-stage cancer patients. More studies are needed.

  • To reduce inflammation

Laboratory studies suggest that reishi mushroom may have antihistamine effects. This has not been tested in humans.

  • For increased strength and stamina
  • To treat lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)

One study suggests that reishi extracts may improve urinary flow in men with slight-to-moderate LUTS. Larger, long-term studies are needed to see if it can improve LUTS in men who have more severe symptoms.

Reishi Mushroom Uses

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