Scope of Mushroom Business in Chandigarh | Mushroom business | Biobritte mushrooms
Scope of Mushroom Business in Chandigarh
Mushroom cultivation has got a huge scope in India.
Mushroom is good medicine for blood-related issues and cancer-causing agents as it kills anti-cancer elements.
If someone wants to gain mass, then mushroom is the best option because it is good for the digestive system.
Mushroom is the chief source of protein for vegetarians.
Almost all edible mushrooms are a rich source of protein and amino acids.
It also has low fat and high carbohydrate.
Mushroom farming is one of the most profitable agri-business that you can start with low investment and less space.
Mushroom cultivation in India is growing gradually as an alternative source of income for many people.
Worldwide, the US, China, Italy, and the Netherlands are the top producers of mushrooms.
The process behind mushroom cultivation is very simple as long as you are hygienic and patient.
Exemption from income-tax 8f income from mushroom growing under controlled conditions.
Under the existing provisions, 'agricultural income' is exempt from income tax.
From the above, it follows that the growing of mushrooms has been treated as a business and not as an agricultural activity.
Mushroom consultants in India.
You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.
Top mushroom company.
For more info -
Contact on a phone or WhatsApp 9923806933 or 7709709816.
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