Top mushroom company in Mumbai | Mushroom company | Biobritte mushroom company
Top mushroom company in Mumbai.
The global mushroom industry has expanded very rapidly in the last two decades by the addition of newer types of mushrooms for commercial cultivation.
However, mushrooms as a vegetable are yet to find a regular place among Indian consumers.
Despite favorable agro-climate, an abundance of agro wastes, relatively low-cost labour, and rich fungal biodiversity, India has witnessed a lukewarm response in its growth.
At present, the total mushroom production in India is approximately 0.13 million tons. From 2010-2017, the mushroom industry in India has registered an average growth rate of 4.3% per annum.
Out of the total mushroom produced, the mushroom share is 73% followed by oyster mushroom, paddy straw mushroom (7%), and milky mushroom (3%).
Compared to other vegetables; per capita consumption of mushrooms in India is meagre and data indicates it is less than 100 grams per year.
By considering the production statistics, the spawn demand in India is estimated at about 8000-10000 tons per annum.
The majority of this commercial spawn to the growers is being supplied by the private units and the contribution of public sector organizations in spawn supply was limited to 10% only.
The Biobritte is the top mushroom company all over India.
The Biobritte mushroom company has mushroom products and services online and offline.
Top mushroom company.
You can buy all types of mushroom products and mushroom kits online.
Mushroom consultants in India.
You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.
For more info -
Contact on a phone or WhatsApp 9923806933 or 7709709816.
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