Cultivation Technology of Ganoderma Mushrooms | Ganoderma mushroom | Biobritte mushroom center

Cultivation Technology of Ganoderma Mushrooms | Ganoderma mushroom | Biobritte mushroom center

Cultivation Technology of Ganoderma Mushrooms

Mushroom cultivation plays an important role to improve the strengths and livelihood of rural people through economic, nutritional,  and medicinal contributions.

Commercial cultivation of Ganoderma has been introduced worldwide, especially in tropical Asian countries to meet the gradually increasing demand of the mushroom as natural medicine. 

Mushroom cultivation is a process utilizing waste materials such as horse manure, 
chicken manure, pig manure, wheat straw, rice straw, corn cobs, wood bark, sawdust, and cottonseed hulls to produce delicious and nutritious food. 

Cultivation Technology of Ganoderma Mushrooms

As a result, very reasonably low-priced mushrooms will become available for consumption.

Wild Ganoderma is difficult to collect and maintain its quality. 

In ancient times, Ganoderma was collected from the wild and consumed only by wealthy people, but a large proportion is cultivated today for the general population. 

Artificial cultivation of Ganoderma was attempted in 1937. 

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You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.

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