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Reishi Mushroom Benefits List | Ganoderma Mushroom Benefits | Scope Of Ganoderma Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom Benefits List | Ganoderma Mushroom Benefits | Scope Of Ganoderma Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom Benefits List.

What Is Reishi Mushroom?

  • Lingzhi, Ganoderma lingzhi, also known as reishi, is a polypore fungus belonging to the genus Ganoderma. 
  • Its red-varnished, kidney-shaped cap and peripherally inserted stem give it a distinct fan-like appearance. When fresh, the lingzhi is soft, cork-like, and flat. 

Scientific name: Ganoderma lingzhi

Higher classification: Ganoderma

Rank: Species

Family: Ganodermataceae

Kingdom: Fungi

Reishi Mushrooms Benefits
Reishi Mushrooms 

  • With the benefits of medicinal mushrooms becoming more and more known in the Western world, many people are asking, ‘where can I buy reishi mushrooms?’

  • The majority of modern medicines originate in nature. Although some mushrooms have been used in therapies for thousands of years, we are still discovering new potential medicines in them. – Paul Stamets

  • The reishi mushroom has been celebrated in Asian societies for thousands of years and is commonly referred to as ‘the mushroom of immortality. 
  • Its Chinese name ‘lingzhi’ means ‘herb of spiritual potency. It’s thought to be one of the most medicinal, well-known herbs in history. 
  • It’s always been thought to be superior in terms of what it can offer in potential health benefits.

  • But in the second half of the 20th century, researchers began to study its medicinal properties and today, modern science and technology support the health claims that allow this herb to be branded a ‘superfood’, proving its healing powers that people already knew thousands of years ago.

  • As the reishi mushroom continues to spread through the Western World, more people are becoming aware of what this magical mushroom could offer them, and it’s now cultivated commercially throughout the world.

  • There are many varieties of reishi and it has a bitter, woody taste. The reishi mushroom has 400 unique bioactive compounds, which have been reported in scientific studies to have a number of potential health benefits. 
  • This includes being anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antibacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidative, and anti-ulcer.

  • So, this mushroom has a whole host of potential benefits, but, you might be surprised to hear that reishi might not suit every single person.

  • As a Th1 stimulant, but if you’re already Th1 dominant, then reishi might not benefit you at all.

  • Th1 cells are the body’s first line of defense to fight off pathogens that get inside our cells. 
  • There are several autoimmune conditions that are often associated with dominance in Th1 cells, including multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, Sjogren’s syndrome, and psoriasis. 
  • For individuals with dominance in Th1 cells, and autoimmune issues, reishi is not recommended because it might over-activate the immune system.

  • However, the potential benefits for people without any of these issues are endless!

Ganoderma Mushroom Supplier
Ganoderma Mushroom 

Here are some of the ways reishi has the potential to benefit your health.

May Increase Longevity

  • The polysaccharides found in the reishi mushroom are believed to increase longevity. 
  • Polysaccharides are long-chain sugar molecules that give the reishi mushroom its bitter taste. 
  • A study by Biorganic and Medicinal Chemistry published in 2009, showed that the polysaccharides had a life span-promoting effect. 
  • This is due to their immune system strengthening and anti-tumor effects that potentially have long-term benefits for longevity when reishi is consumed every day.

Reishi Mushroom Benefits
May Shrink Cancer Cells

  • When using an extract of the polysaccharides from Reishi mushrooms on active cancer cells, studies showed that the body recruits specialized adaptive proteins that activate the shrinkage of cancer cells. 
  • In some cases, the polysaccharides were shown to achieve apoptosis, a natural process of self-destruction in certain cells, supporting the natural inhibition and elimination of active cancer cells.

  • To put it simply, reishi activates the body’s own immune cells to attack harmful cells. This action is called immuno-modulation. 
  • Therefore, studies have concluded that polysaccharides can be used as a powerful addition to the treatment of cancer cells. 
  • However, all treatments for cancer should be part of a plan with a Doctor and before adding anything to your supplement routine, you should consult with a doctor first for advice on whether it’s worth taking as part of your wider treatment.

Reishi Mushroom Benefits
Reduces Inflammation

  • The Reishi mushroom’s anti-inflammatory properties can relieve muscle aches and pains. 
  • Reishi has been proven to reduce inflammation in a whole host of inflammatory conditions, according to a report by the American-Eurasian Journal of Botany.

  • The report stated: ‘studies showed that Reishi extract significantly inhibited all four types of allergic reactions, including positive effects against asthma and contact dermatitis and effectively used in treating stiff necks, stiff shoulders, conjunctivitis 

Reishi Mushroom Benefits
Improves the Immune System

  • Hundreds of biologically active molecules in reishi promote the immune system, the cardiovascular system, and the brain. 
  • Ganoderma Lucidum Peptide, which is one of these compounds, is believed to be responsible for its antioxidant capacity. 
  • The immune system is given a boost due to the polysaccharides and triterpenes content, which target inflammation. Viruses, fungal and microbial infections are protected against triterpenes. 
  • They have been shown to strengthen the lining of the digestive system by assisting with fighting off bad bacteria and promoting the growth of good bacteria.

  • Improved digestion leads to better absorption of nutrients from food. Gut health is thought to be the root of all illness, and it’s known that a healthy gut helps to build a strong immune system. 
  • The mushroom is believed to reduce the risk of and fight infections and viruses due to its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. 
  • Lowering inflammation boosts the immune system and helps the body to fight off infection. 
  • Not only this, but reishi can help improve blood circulation, and this can help address pain and speed up the healing of the body.

Reishi Mushroom Benefits
Immune System
Allergy Relief

  • Reishi has steroid-like anti-inflammatory compounds that inhibit histamine, the chemical responsible for allergic reactions. 
  • This gives it great potential in fighting off allergies and relieving symptoms.

Reishi Mushroom Benefits
Allergy Relief
Liver Health

  • The apoptogenic qualities of the reishi mushroom may help to improve liver function. 
  • A healthy liver supports the body in flushing out toxins and circulating healthy blood and nutrients.

Reishi Mushroom Benefits
Liver Health
Promotes Heart Health

  • Reishi has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels, which is a good thing for heart health. This is due to the triterpenes content. 
  • These also help prevent blood clotting and reduce inflammation in the blood vessels and arteries. 
  • Because reishi mushrooms balance hormones, this can have the effect of improving heart health. 
  • A hormonal imbalance is often linked to high blood pressure, so the combination of boosting circulation, restoring hormonal balance, and reducing blood pressure, overall heart health can be improved. 
  • There has also been some research on the potential reishi has in helping to unclog arteries, as well as reducing chest pains and shortness of breath.

Reishi Mushroom Benefits
Hearth Health

Where to find it?

You can find this type of mushroom at some grocery stores, health food stores, or Asian grocery stores. You can also find it at farmer’s markets.

Mushroom consultants in India.

Biobritte is a Reishi mushroom supplier company.

You can buy all types of mushroom products from the Biobritte cart.

Top mushroom company.

Contact on a phone or WhatsApp 9923806933 or 7709709816

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