Chestnut Mushroom Latin Name | Chest Nut Mushroom Names | Chest Nut Mushroom Other Names

Chestnut Mushroom Latin Name | Chest Nut Mushroom Names | Chest Nut Mushroom Other Names

Chestnut Mushroom Latin Name

  • The word “pholiota” means scaly in Latin, and “adiposa” comes from the name of lard or grease. 
  • The caps of these mushrooms have a scaly texture and the surface of the cap has a greasiness to it. The caps will feel slimy if wet. 
  • A chestnut mushroom is the same mushroom as a white button mushroom, but it is a strain that grows just a bit browner instead of white, giving it a tan-coloured top.

Latin Name Of Chest Nut Mushroom Is - Agaricus bisporus

Chestnut Mushroom Latin Name
Chestnut Mushroom

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