Ganoderma Mushroom Powder | Ganoderma Mushroom Capsule | MycoNutra® Products by Biobritte

Ganoderma Mushroom Powder | Ganoderma Mushroom Capsule | MycoNutra® Products by Biobritte

Ganoderma Mushroom- 

  • Lingzhi, Ganoderma lingzhi, also known as reishi, is a polypore fungus belonging to the genus Ganoderma. 
  • Its reddish brown varnished kidney-shaped cap with bands and peripherally inserted stem gives it a distinct fan-like appearance. When fresh, the lingzhi is soft, cork-like, and flat.

Ganoderma Mushroom Powder
Ganoderma Mushroom

Ganoderma mushroom products-
  1. Ganoderma Mushroom Capsules 
  2. Ganoderma Mushroom Powder
  3. Ganoderma Mushroom Extract
  4. Ganoderma Mushroom Spawn
  5. Ganoderma Mushroom Pure Culture
  6. Ganoderma Mushroom Fruit Kit
  7. Ganoderma Mushroom Cultivate Booklet

Ganoderma Mushroom Capsules And Powder-

  • Ganoderma lucidium, Reishi or Lingzhi, is a type of mushroom used to promote health and longevity in traditional Chinese medicine. 
  • It is also known as "The King of Herbs" and the miracle mushroom because of its miraculous health benefits. 
  • Its usage extends to almost every system of the body. Not only is it believed to heal physical ailments, but it is also said to bring about a peaceful state of mind as well.

Product Name: Ganoderma Mushroom

Scientific Name: Ganoderma lingzhi  

Product Type: Capsules

Form: Capsule

Packaging type: Bottle

Packaging size: 30/60 Capsules

Shelf life- 24 months

MycoNutra®  is a top mushroom supplements supplier company all over India and international level.

Mushroom consultants in India.

Top mushroom company.

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