Mushroom Scheme In Maharashtra | Agriculture Subsidies In Maharashtra | Mushroom Subsidies In Maharashtra

Mushroom Scheme In Maharashtra | Agriculture Subsidies In Maharashtra | Mushroom Subsidies In Maharashtra

Mushroom Scheme In Maharashtra

  • Maharashtra Village Social Transformation Foundation (MVSTF), Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MSRLM), and Maharashtra Agricultural Competitiveness Project (MACP) intend to collaboratively formulate and implement a state of Maharashtra Agribusiness and Rural Transformation -“SMART” Livelihood Project for Rural Maharashtra.
  • The project aims to transform Rural Maharashtra through “SMART” interventions in Agriculture and Livelihood sectors, assisted by World Bank. 
  • Over the years, Government of Maharashtra has been consistently putting efforts and resources through various central and state government schemes, programs and projects for development and transformation of agriculture and rural sectors and actively seeking private sector participation in these initiatives.

Following Are Some Of The Schemes For Farmers For Mushroom Cultivation- 

Mushroom Subsidy In Maharashtra

MycoNutra®  is a top mushroom supplements supplier company all over India and international level.

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Top mushroom company.

For more info -

For mushroom training -

Contact on a phone or WhatsApp 9923806933 or 7709709816.

Biobritte Agro Solutions Private Limited.

MycoNutra® Mushroom product distributorship.

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