Top mushroom importing countries | Mushroom supplier | Biobritte mushroom company

Top mushroom importing countries

the top importers of Mushrooms, fresh or chilled were the United States ($307M), the United Kingdom ($303M), Germany ($258M), France ($157M), and Italy ($101M).

The largest importing Mushroom nations in the world are France, the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Nepal.

Top mushroom importing countries

These nations combinedly import 81.71% of the total Mushroom imports carried worldwide.

The per capita consumption of mushrooms in China, which is the largest producer of mushrooms in the world, is higher than in any other country.

MycoNutra®  is a top mushroom supplements supplier company all over India and international level.

Mushroom consultants in India.

Top mushroom company.

For more info -

Contact on a phone or WhatsApp 9923806933 or 7709709816.

Biobritte Agro Solutions Private Limited.

MycoNutra® Mushroom product distributorship.

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