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Health Benefits of Oyster Mushrooms | Buy mushroom online | Buy Fresh mushroom at kolhapur, Maharashtra

Oyster mushroom is the rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber and other antioxidants like selenium protect body cells from damage that might lead to chronic diseases and help to strengthen the immune system. Oyster mushroom is low in calories, fat free Cholesterol free, Gluten free and very low in sodium. Increasing the consumption of oyster mushroom appears to decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and increase the immunity system of body. 8 Health Benefits of Oyster Mushrooms Traditional Chinese medicine has understood the value of oyster mushrooms and other medicinal mushrooms for centuries. Here are some of the most well-researched oyster mushroom benefits. 1. Immune System Support The beta-glucans in oyster mushrooms make them one of the best foods on the planet for protecting your immune system against short- and long-term illnesses. Unlike some foods that either stimulate or repress the immune system, mushrooms balance it. Plus, oyster mushroom

Why we should love mushrooms? | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur

Here are ten reasons why we should eat mushrooms.  Mushrooms come in lots of different shapes, sizes, and colors.  The ones that aren’t toxic happen to be quite healthy, and tasty too.  For many years they’ve been used for their unique ability to add flavor in lots of different cultures’ cuisines.  Although they’re actually fungi , mushrooms are lumped in the vegetable category for cooking purposes.   Mushrooms allow you to add extra taste without sodium or fat. The most common types found in grocery stores are:   • shiitake       • portobello       • crimini       • button or white mushroom       • oyster      • enoki      • beech      • maitake They each have a unique look and taste. 1.      They’ll Keep You Regular  – They are full of fiber, which is crucial for keeping the bowls regular and for flushing toxins out of the body. 2.      They Can Lower Blood Sugar  – The high fiber content of mushrooms, along with their natural insulin and enzymes,

Shiitake mushrooms | Shittake Mushroom Spawn Supplier | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur

# Shiitake  mushrooms are small to medium in size with caps averaging 10-20 centimeters in diameter and are attached to thin stems. The caps range in color from light to dark brown and have a wide, umbrella shape with a characteristic curled rim. Inside, the cream-colored flesh is firm, chewy, and spongy. # Shiitake  mushroom is a fungus. An extract made from this mushroom is used as medicine. # Shiitake  mushroom is used for boosting the immune system, HIV/AIDS, lowering blood cholesterol levels, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, eczema, colds and flu, treating prostate or breast cancer, and as an anti-aging agent. It is also used for hepatitis B, herpes, high blood pressure, and stomach ache. Don't forget that we started mushroom webinars. You can check at To know more about   # mushrooms To order   # mushrooms We are looking for order contracts contact # mushroom   learning ce

Shiitake Mushrooms | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Shiitake Mushrooms Many people think  shiitakes  are wild.  While they do grow in the wild, shiitakes sold at stores are farmed.  This is because cultivating them has proven so successful, as they're very popular.  Fresh shiitakes come in a range of sizes.  Bigger ones have a deeper flavor but also a tougher texture (isn't everything in life a bit of a trade-off?). Shiitakes stems tend to be tough and are best removed before cooking.  They make delicious mushroom stock, however, so save them in your freezer until you have a few cups' worth. Shiitakes can stand up to strong flavors and are particularly good with ginger,  soy , and even chiles.  Make them the star in  this rice noodle dish . Or, try them with something just a bit sweet such as mushroom-stuffed squash. BUY MUSHROOM PRODUCTS ONLINE To know more about  # mushrooms contact # mushroom  learning center Kolhapur Phone: 9923806933 http

Shittake Mushroom Cooking Method | | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Chinese dried mushrooms (also called black mushrooms or dried shiitake mushrooms) have an intense meaty flavor that enhances the flavor of soups, stir-fries, and braised dishes. However, the dried mushrooms must first be rehydrated. This is true even if you’re planning to use them in a soup or broth. Besides giving them a plumper texture, soaking the dried mushrooms helps remove any particles of dirt. Simple Steps for Rehydrating Chinese Dried Mushrooms Gently rinse the dried shiitake mushroom with cold water.   Place the dried mushrooms in a bowl with warm water to cover. (Note: You will probably need to place a small plate, lid from a pot, or another item on top of the bowl to keep the mushrooms from floating).    Soak the Chinese dried mushrooms in warm water for about 20 to 30 minutes or until softened. The exact soaking time will depend on the thickness of the caps. The warm water temperature should be roughly the same temperature as bath water. If you’re in

Health Benefits of Shiitake Mushroom | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Health Benefits of Shiitake Mushroom In the East, people believe shiitake mushrooms are not only rich in flavor but they are also high in nutrition and have a number of health benefits. They are loaded with protein and contain vitamins B2 and B12. Shiitake mushroom can help fight certain types of cancer. It can lower your cholesterol. Shiitake mushrooms contain a substance called “eritadence” which will help your body to absorb cholesterol and lower the amount of cholesterol in your blood. It’s a rich source of selenium, iron, dietary fiber, protein, and vitamin C. Shiitake mushrooms are a powerful antioxidant. It can help you to lower your blood pressure. It can boost our immune system. BUY MUSHROOM PRODUCTS ONLINE To know more about  # mushrooms contact # mushroom  learning center Kolhapur Phone: 9923806933 https://www.mushroomtrai