Biobritte Agro Solutions Private Limited is based in Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Company is working on research and development in the agricultural biotechnology domain.
Biobritte is currently top mushroom company in western maharashtra. Biobritte supplies different types of mushroom spawn or seeds. Biobritte is world's top mushroom grower which grows more than 20 types of mushrooms.
Biobritte also provides different services such as mushroom training, mushroom contract farming, mushroom consultancy, mushroom supply, mushroom spawn supply, pure culture supply, mushroom value added products and much more.
Biobritte has trained upto 3000 trainees on commercial mushroom cultivation. Biobritte also an exporter of mushrooms.
Biobritte also conducts mushroom conferences, mushroom training sessions and mushroom webinars. Biobritte also started virtual mushroom consulting for Indian and foreign customers.
contact us for more information.
Phone: +919923806933, +919673510343, +919850985511