Cordyceps militaris mushroom Laboratory in Brunei | Mushroom lab | Biobritte mushroom lab | Mushroom lab in Brunei | Mushroom spawn lab

Cordyceps militaris mushroom Laboratory in Brunei | Mushroom lab | Biobritte mushroom lab | Mushroom lab in Brunei | Mushroom spawn lab

Cordyceps militaris mushroom Laboratory in Brunei

Although the fungus Cordyceps can grow on specific substrates has been successfully reared, the large-scale artificial cultivation of Chinese cordyceps has only recently been accomplished after several decades of efforts and attempts.

Cordyceps militaris mushroom Laboratory in Brunei

The Biobritte mushroom center has a professional cordyceps mushroom lab in Brunei.

In test-tube studies, Cordyceps has been shown to inhibit the growth of many types of human cancer cells, including lung, colon, skin, and liver cancers.

Contact - 7709709816 / 9923806933

Tags - Cordyceps militaris mushroom Laboratory in Brunei , Top mushroom company, Mushroom lab , Biobritte mushroom lab , Mushroom lab in Brunei , Mushroom spawn lab,cordyceps militaris cultivation in india,mushroom farming in india,mushroom business,types of mushroom in india,