Black Poplar Mushroom Cutlivation | Cultivation Technology of Agrocybe Aegerita | Cultivation Technology of Poplar Mushrooms

Black poplar mushroom scientifically known as Agrocybe aegerita or cylindracea is an edible mushroom.

The black poplar mushroom possesses high nutritional and therapeutic value with significant antioxidant, antimutagenic, antitumor, antifungal, hypercholesterolemic, hypoglycemic and hyperlipidemic, immunomodulating, and lipid peroxidation inhibitory properties.

Cultivation Technology of Agrocybe Aegerita

  • Agrocybe aegerita commonly known as ‘black poplar mushroom’ has good scope in India. 
  • Agrocybe aegerita is one of the tastiest mushrooms grown in temperate climates mostly on poplar and willow wood and develop fruit bodies in nature from spring to autumn, has a unique flavor, good nutritive and medicinal values but is reported to have low biological efficiency. 
  • This mushroom is known to have an antitumor lectin.  
  • Wheat straw or sawdust supplemented with wheat bran is commonly used as substrates for cultivation.  
  • Wheat straw or sawdust is wetted thoroughly with water for 16-18 hrs. 
  • After wetting, 5-10 percent wheat bran is added to the sawdust and mixed thoroughly. Polypropylene bags are used for cultivation. 
  • Two kg wet substrate is filled in each bag. The bags are plugged with non-absorbent cotton by inserting a ring in the mouth of the bag. 
  • The filled bags are sterilized in the autoclaves for 1½ -2 hours at 22 Ibs/inch2. After the bags have been sterilized and cooled down to room temperature, they are inoculated with 2-4% wheat grain-based spawn. 
  • The Bags are placed/ arranged in incubation rooms where mycelia can grow favorably. 
  • The optimum temperature for mycelial growth is between 25 and 28°C, so the temperature of the incubation room is kept between 23°C and 26°C under the normal commercial cultivation conditions. 
  • Mycelia spread over the whole bag after 25-30 days.
  • Once the mycelium has fully colonized the substrate and forms a thick mycelial mat, it is ready for fruiting.   
  • Contaminated bags with mold may be discarded while bags with patchy mycelial growth may be left for few more days to complete the mycelial growth At this stage the bags should be opened.   
  • A temperature of 25-28°C and RH 80-85 percent are maintained.
  • Good fruit bodies are encouraged to form by adjusting the humidity in the room to maintain the correct moisture content of the substrate.  
  • Small primordia start appearing after 5-8 days after opening the bags which become ready to harvest in the next four days. 
  • The average weight of a single fruit body is 3.5g. 
  • The fruit bodies could be sun-dried or could be stored in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. 
  • On an average of 300g of fresh fruit, bodies are harvested from half-dry wheat straw, giving 60 percent biological efficiency.

Black Poplar Mushroom Cutlivation

This culture is available here at Biobritte, India! Shop Here.

For more information on buying and using Black Poplar Mushroom Cutlivation contact :

Biobritte Agro Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Whatsapp / Phone: +91-9923806933 / +91-9673510343


Tags Black Poplar Mushroom Cutlivation,  Cultivation Technology of Agrocybe Aegerita , Cultivation Technology Of Poplar Mushrooms, agrocybe aegerita cultivation, agrocybe aegerita benefits, agrocybe aegerita psychedelic, agrocybe aegerita recipe, agrocybe species, agrocybe cylindracea, poplar mushroom recipe, black poplar mushroom taste, tea tree mushroom, black poplar mushroom health benefits, black poplar mushroom substrate, black poplar mushroom psychedelic, common fieldcap mushroom edible, agrocybe aegerita cultivation, how to grow pioppino mushrooms, how to grow black poplar mushrooms, agrocybe aegerita cultivation, pioppino mushroom growing temperature, black poplar mushroom substrate, black poplar mushroom health benefits, black poplar mushroom psychedelic, pioppino mushroom psychedelic

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