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Showing posts with the label dried mushrooms

How to Substitute Dried Mushrooms for Fresh | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Dried mushrooms are a handy pantry item since they contain all of the flavors of fresh mushrooms with an almost unlimited shelf life. If you are a fresh-mushroom aficionado and have an aversion to jarred mushrooms, dried mushrooms are a great option.  Plus, you may be able to find varieties dried, like porcini and morels, that are often unavailable at your local market fresh. But how do you use dried mushrooms when a recipe calls for fresh? Here’s the scoop on getting the substitution right. How Many Mushrooms to Use Use about three ounces of dried mushrooms for every pound of fresh mushrooms called for in the recipe.  That might not seem like enough, but once they’re reconstituted, the mushrooms will expand to give you the pound of fresh mushrooms needed in the recipe. How to Reconstitute Mushrooms Dried mushrooms need to be reconstituted before they’re used in place of fresh mushrooms.  Reconstitution is just a fancy word

Shittake Mushroom Cooking Method | | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Chinese dried mushrooms (also called black mushrooms or dried shiitake mushrooms) have an intense meaty flavor that enhances the flavor of soups, stir-fries, and braised dishes. However, the dried mushrooms must first be rehydrated. This is true even if you’re planning to use them in a soup or broth. Besides giving them a plumper texture, soaking the dried mushrooms helps remove any particles of dirt. Simple Steps for Rehydrating Chinese Dried Mushrooms Gently rinse the dried shiitake mushroom with cold water.   Place the dried mushrooms in a bowl with warm water to cover. (Note: You will probably need to place a small plate, lid from a pot, or another item on top of the bowl to keep the mushrooms from floating).    Soak the Chinese dried mushrooms in warm water for about 20 to 30 minutes or until softened. The exact soaking time will depend on the thickness of the caps. The warm water temperature should be roughly the same temperature as bath water. If you’re in

Health Benefits of Shiitake Mushroom | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Health Benefits of Shiitake Mushroom In the East, people believe shiitake mushrooms are not only rich in flavor but they are also high in nutrition and have a number of health benefits. They are loaded with protein and contain vitamins B2 and B12. Shiitake mushroom can help fight certain types of cancer. It can lower your cholesterol. Shiitake mushrooms contain a substance called “eritadence” which will help your body to absorb cholesterol and lower the amount of cholesterol in your blood. It’s a rich source of selenium, iron, dietary fiber, protein, and vitamin C. Shiitake mushrooms are a powerful antioxidant. It can help you to lower your blood pressure. It can boost our immune system. BUY MUSHROOM PRODUCTS ONLINE To know more about  # mushrooms contact # mushroom  learning center Kolhapur Phone: 9923806933 https://www.mushroomtrai

Fresh Shiitake Mushroom cooking | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Fresh Shiitake Mushroom Fresh shiitake mushrooms are really easy to recognize. The cap of fresh shiitake mushrooms are quite big and have an umbrella shape.  They have a dark brown color and light cream color stems. Fresh shiitake mushrooms have a light, earthy aroma and the fragrance and flavor are much lighter than dried shiitake mushrooms.  You can use fresh shiitake mushrooms like you would use common mushrooms like chestnut or white mushrooms. You can stuff, stir-fry, steam, deep-fry, make a soup, make a risotto or blanch it and add into your salad. You must remove the stems before cooking as the texture of the stems of shiitake mushrooms are quite tough and chewy.  You can save the stems for making stock which is perfect for adding to risottos and soups. Try to find the thickest cap shiitake mushrooms as you can and choose the mushrooms that have domed and curled caps as this is usually a sign of fresh and high-quality shiitake mushrooms.

Dried Shiitake Mushroom Chinese Cooking | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Dried Shiitake Mushroom Dried shiitake mushrooms and fresh shiitake mushrooms have very different aromas and flavors. Dried shiitake mushroom has a much stronger aroma and flavor compared to fresh shiitake mushroom. The way to prepare dried shiitake mushroom is to rinse with the cold water first then rehydrate by soaking in cold water for around 15 to 20 minutes before cooking. Softening the shiitake mushroom in water will make it easier to cut into the shapes you want and also make it easier to cook. In many Chinese dishes, such as savory sticky rice or glutinous rice, many Chinese chefs actually keep the water they use to soak the shiitake mushrooms and use it as a stock. You can prepare dried shiitake mushrooms with many different methods in Chinese cooking, such as adding it to your soup, stir-fry, stew, braise, steam and more. Because of the strong flavor and fragrance, this is one of the most popular ingredients in Chinese cooking. Dried shiitake mushrooms are one of

Shiitake Mushrooms in Chinese Cooking | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Shiitake mushrooms are one of the most popular ingredients in Chinese cuisine. There are two types of shiitake mushrooms, the first being dried and the other fresh.  They’re quite different for obvious reasons but we equally love both types of shiitake mushroom. The earliest historical record of shiitake cultivation is from the Southern Song dynasty in the book  Records of Longquan County .  This book is compiled by He Zhan. This book was referenced many times and even adapted in the first book of shiitake mushroom cultivation in Japan. BUY MUSHROOM PRODUCTS ONLINE To know more about  # mushrooms contact # mushroom  learning center Kolhapur Phone: 9923806933 We are top mushroom company in India. Biobritte is mushroom supplier, mushroom spawn supplier, mushroom kit supplier, mushroom training provider

Porcini vs. Shiitake | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Porcini vs. Shiitake Porcini are sometimes confused with shiitake mushrooms. Both mushrooms are commonly sold dried and rehydrated for use in broths, soups, and sauces.  Shiitake mushrooms have a meatier flavor with less earthy mushroom taste and cost less than porcini.  They serve as a more economical replacement for dried porcini mushrooms if you would prefer a meatier flavor. BUY MUSHROOM PRODUCTS ONLINE To know more about  # mushrooms contact # mushroom  learning center Kolhapur Phone: 9923806933 We are top mushroom company in India. Biobritte is mushroom supplier, mushroom spawn supplier, mushroom kit supplier, mushroom training provider, mushroom consultant, mushroom exporter and mushroom research and development company. Tags:  #mushroomtraining,  #mushroomspawnsupplier,  #mushroo

Nutrition and Benefits Porcini mushrooms | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Nutrition and Benefits Porcini mushrooms Porcini mushrooms are high in protein, with over 7 grams of protein per 100-gram serving, making them a nice addition to a vegetarian diet.  They're also high in vitamin B3 (40 percent of recommended daily value), vitamin B5 (53% percent), and folate (73 percent).  Porcini also supply important minerals—100 grams of mushrooms provide 39 percent of your daily recommended value of copper and 44 percent of the DV of zinc. BUY MUSHROOM PRODUCTS ONLINE To know more about  # mushrooms contact # mushroom  learning center Kolhapur Phone: 9923806933 We are top mushroom company in India. Biobritte is mushroom supplier, mushroom spawn supplier, mushroom kit supplier, mushroom training provider, mushroom consultant, mushroom exporter and mushroom rese

How to Store Porcini Mushrooms | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

How to Store Porcini Mushrooms Store fresh, unwashed porcini mushrooms in a loose paper bag in the crisper of the fridge. They'll keep for a few days, but don't wait to cook these precious fungi. They're best used right away. Dried porcini should be kept in an airtight container in a dark, cool (but not cold) place for up to six months. BUY MUSHROOM PRODUCTS ONLINE To know more about  # mushrooms contact # mushroom  learning center Kolhapur Phone: 9923806933 We are top mushroom company in India. Biobritte is mushroom supplier, mushroom spawn supplier, mushroom kit supplier, mushroom training provider, mushroom consultant, mushroom exporter and mushroom research and development company. Tags:  #mushroomtraining,  #mushroomspawnsupplier,  #mushroomsupplier,  #mushroomexporter,  #mushr

Where to Buy Porcini Mushrooms | Mushroom Shop | Mushroom Learning Center Kolhapur | Biobritte

Where to Buy Porcini Mushrooms Fresh porcini are a rare treat, appearing for a short month or two in autumn and sometimes again in the late spring. They can sometimes be found sold by the ounce or small container in specialty markets and farmers' markets while in season. Dried porcini are available year-round at Italian and specialty markets or online. Porcini mushrooms should be firm with unblemished white stalks and brown caps, not nicked or broken. If the undersides of the caps have a yellowish-brown tinge to them, the mushrooms are almost too ripe, and if they have black spots on them or the under caps are deep green, they're already too ripe. When purchasing dried porcini, avoid any packages with lots of small crumbs. These mushrooms are likely old and lacking in flavor. Also, they should have a heady mushroom aroma. BUY MUSHROOM PRODUCTS ONLINE To know more about  # mushrooms contact # mushroom  learning center Kolhapur Phone: 9923806933